Project info

HSW Energy is proud to have contributed to the sustainable development of the STES Moengo Tapu school campus by installing a comprehensive solar panel system and solar street lights. This project exemplifies our commitment to harnessing renewable energy to power educational facilities, ensuring a reliable and environmentally friendly energy source.

The installation features:

  • High-Efficiency Solar Panels: Strategically placed on the rooftops of the campus buildings, these panels maximize sunlight capture, providing clean and consistent energy to meet the school’s daily needs.
  • Sustainable Energy Solution: By transitioning to solar power, STES Moengo Tapu reduces its carbon footprint and operational costs, fostering an eco-conscious environment for students and staff.
  • Educational Impact: The solar installation not only powers the campus but also serves as a practical learning tool, inspiring the next generation to value and adopt renewable energy solutions.

This project at STES Moengo Tapu underscores HSW Energy’s dedication to empowering communities with sustainable energy solutions that support education and environmental stewardship.